Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sunday and Monday

On Sunday Morning, (Just 2 days ago) I didnt wake up until 12:00PM. I went downstairs, and my Mom says, "Okay, Time to Clean up Downstairs!" And of course, We ALL have to Clean... Except my Little Brother, Matthew. While we are all Cleaning, he is making more of a mess.
...But I don't care, Because he is the Cutest Baby in the Whole World!
(This Picture was Took like 2 Years Ago)

Anyways, After we were done Cleaning, my Grandpa (Mom's Dad) Called, and wanted to take us Roller Skating. And Of Course, me not going Skating in Over a Half Year, Really Excited about going again. So He Took, Me, My 2 Sisters, 3 Cousins, and Grandma (Mom's Mom) Skating. After that, we Went to see a Movie. It was Called, "The Green Hornet".
All though the Movie was Pretty Silly, it was Hilarious at some Points. It also has got a lot of Action in it, so If you like Action and Comedy, Then this might turn out to be Your Favorite Movie. XD
So Later on, my Grandfather says, "So I guess Everybody is Hungry by Now." So he takes us to this Place called "Lone Star". Its a Steak House, that I have never been before, but I Love Steak Houses, so I knew this was Probably gonna be a Nice Dinner Place.

I decided to get a Cheeseburger and Fries. It was good when I got it, but it took like an Hour for the food to get here, so It was kind of boring waiting. Dinner was the Only thing I had to Eat All Day, so of course I was pretty hungry. But atleast we got some Bread for an Appatizer. It tasted like Out Back Steak House's Bread... Which I like. And After that, my Grandfather dropped us off at my Mom's House. It was a Pretty Busy day. But Monday was also gonna be Pretty Busy because we have 2 Little Kid Birthday Parties that we have to go to. My Cousin Ty's Birthday, and my Other Cousin's ShaSha Binx's Brithday. (Yeah, ShaSha Binx. Thats her Real Name. XD) Ty's Birthday was at a place called Inflation Nation. A Place where there is like Inflated Play Areas, and you get to Slide and Jump Around and stuff. He was turning 6.
Me being 13, I didn't do much there, and I didn't have my YoYo with me, so that took the Fun away. Rght after that Party, we Went Straight to my Other Cousins Party, ShaSha Binx. It was at her House, and she was Turning 4 Years Old. I was Bored to Death because there was Litterally Nothing to do there. After the Boring-ist Party Ever, We went Home and Called it a Night. And today is Tuesday, and Im taking a Break from doing Home School Right Now, And this is what I decided to do. Write about my last 2 days.
                                                     HAPPY TUESDAY!

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